Frequently Asked Questions

Emerald version v0.8.7.7-beta
  • scrypt - proof of work
  • 20 second block times
  • currently 0.10 EMD per block
  • 3 confirmations per transaction
  • 50 confirmations per mined block
  • difficulty adjusts each block with DGW3
  • ~32,000,000 total coins over time
  • P2P Port - 12127
  • RPC Port - 12128
  • download the Emerald Blockchain Snapshot
  • put and unpack the file into your Emerald directory
  • start the Emerald client with the option -reindex
  • now the indexing of the copied blockchain is started

  • point your miner on stratum+tcp:// and use as username YOUR_EMD_ADDRESS and as password c=EMD or anything else

    <YOUR_MINER> -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u <YOUR_EMD_ADDRESS> -p c=EMD

    Do not use an exchange address. You will lose your mining rewards.

    hint - you can use our WebWallet for free

  • Feel free to setup your own mining pool. You can use the github repository of P2pool-EMD here
please visit and check the block height on these sites

  Emerald Crypto Blockchain Explorer
  Prohashing Blockchain Explorer
  Graviex Exchange Wallet Info
  Hash to Coins Mining Pool
  Zpool Mining Pool (there is a delay on showing on showing)
  Emerald Crypto Website (there is a delay of 60 sec on showing)
genesis block of Emerald was created on 2013-06-16 05:01:49

  block 0000000 - 3110399  -  block reward 5.00 EMD after 2.0 years
  block 3110400 - 3888000  -  block reward 2.50 EMD after 2.5 years
  block 3888001 - 4665600  -  block reward 1.00 EMD after 3.0 years
  block 4665601 - 5443200  -  block reward 0.50 EMD after 3.5 years
  block 5443201 - 6220800  -  block reward 0.25 EMD after 4.0 years
  block 6220801 - 6998400  -  block reward 0.10 EMD after 4.5 years
  from block 6998401 to infinite, the block reward remains on 0.10 EMD

  • download the wallet Emerald-qt.exe and put it in a new directory named c:\emerald

  • after the first start of Emerald-qt stop the wallet by File/Quit

  • edit the emerald.conf file (usually in %APPDATA%\Emerald) and restart
  • download the latest blockchain bootstrap here

  • unzip the file in your Emerald directory (windows: %APPDATA%\Emerald)
    you will see the file bootstrap.dat

  • start the Emerald-qt.exe file

  • now the Emerald Wallet should import the blockchain from your local harddrive

MD5SUM checksum of bootstrap.dat files

please be patient, it could take some time to import all the blocks
launch your Emerald Wallet as usual
wait for it to load the blockchain and start up

  • click on ‘help’ in the menu bar (top right)

  • click on ‘debug window’

  • select the ‘console’ tab

  • type: listaccounts
    you will get your accounts, typically "": <amount of EMD>

  • type: getaddressesbyaccount <your accountname> (typically "")
    you will get your public key (public address)

  • type: dumpprivkey <your public key>
    you will get your private key

save both, public and private key, on a file and print them on paper.
store this paper on a safe place.
you can restore your Emerald wallet using your private key on every new wallet and new computer.

keep your private key for yourself. Otherwise you can lose your Emerald amount
launch your Emerald Wallet as usual
wait for it to load the blockchain and start up

  • click on ‘help’ in the menu bar (top right)

  • click on ‘debug window’

  • select the ‘console’ tab

  • type: listaccounts
    you will get your accounts, typically "": <amount of EMD>

  • type: importprivkey <your private key>
    you will add this private key to your wallet

  • type: listaccounts
    a new account should now have been added

the wallet rescans the blockchain to find the EMD amount that is associated to the new private key.
please be patient, it could take some time to scan all the blocks.

keep your private key for yourself. Otherwise you can lose your Emerald amount

  • Your Emerald Wallet have to be synced

  • Edit your Emerald.conf file (usually in %APPDATA%\Emerald) and add
  • Restart your Emerald-qt client with " -server" argument added

  • Start your miner now by using the RPC username and password to connect to your localhost to mine solo
    .    cgminer --scrypt -o http://localhost:12128 -u choose_a_username -p choose_a_password <other parameters>

install a linux system. Debian or Ubuntu are recommended
on a xterm session enter
  apt-get install git build-essential libssl-dev libdb5.3-dev libdb5.3++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev libminiupnpc-dev miniupnpc
  (on debian 7: apt-get install libdb5.1-dev libdb5.1++-dev)
  cd /opt
  git clone
  cd Emerald/src
  test -e obj || mkdir obj
  make -f makefile.unix
  ./emeraldd -? | grep version

after the first start of Emerald stop the wallet by entering ./emeraldd stop and edit the .emerald/emerald.conf file
please check the blockchain height of your EMD client.
if the block height differs from the value of 14649714 blocks you must:
  • shutdown your client
  • edit your emerald.conf by adding
  • change temporary the peer2peer port by adding port=12129
  • remove all blk*.dat files
  • remove the peers.dat file
  • remove the database folder
  • restart your client and let resync starts
  • check your peers info to see the "Satoshi:" or "Emerald:V0.8.7.600" protocol

after successful synchronization
  • restore the peer2peer port by adding port=12127

hint - if you want to accelerate the sync you can download the blockchain bootstrap here
  for setting up an EMD node on Ubuntu you can use the Dockerfile provided for
    an V0.8.7.7 EMD Node
  • download the Emerald wallet from this site
  • start it and get your Emerald address
  • download the cpu miner for scrypt coins
  • unpack the zip file
  • start the miner
         ./minerd -t <threads> -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u <your Emerald address> -p x
  • check your Emerald income on
    by entering your Emerald address
related to Version
to avoid memory allocation errors of Berkeley DB add to your .emerald directory a file named DB_CONFIG containing the statement mutex_set_max 100000
  echo "mutex_set_max 100000" >> ~/.emerald/DB_CONFIG